Strategy chart explained

These are the basic elements of success, the scaffolding for a strategy. Skip the consideration of any of these elements and you are setting yourself up for failure or worse: illusion of progress.

DAP at a Glance (click to zoom in)

Your goals

Your community

83,660 members
55 recently active
posted 621,516 replies
in 75,228 threads

Thumbnail of the DAP member map.Map us

Your allies

Ongoing survey needed.

We will approach this need like we approach targeting legislators - by working together with you.

Your targets

4 legislators need research
209 support the bill
117 oppose the bill
210 others

Your tactics

Tactics are a way to make each target feel the power of our group.

We have some work to do before we can pull this off - for best results, focus on our short term goals.

What are goals?

You need small, if only partial, victories to sustain the long fight, avoid burn out, and learn from your mistakes. Focus on defining your intermediate and short term goals. Our long term goal is a given - passing the DREAM Act.

What about community?

Be aware of your resources and limitations. Recognize and develop community leaders. Give consideration to non-profit marketing and growth.

What about allies?

Your most important asset after community. We probably can't do it alone. Find organizations that share our passion and, at the very least, keep track of and promote their events.

Who are targets?

Name specific legislators who have what you want. Targeting Congress, a whole elected body, with your actions is as useless as doing nothing.

What are tactics?

Any tactic must be targeted at a specific legislator or decision maker. Anything short of that is a waste of time in the context of advocacy.

Tactics are used to make the legislator feel the power of your group. If you don't have any power, your number one goals (above) should be “build power.”