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04-24-2009, 07:47 PM
Senior Member
Joined in Apr 2009
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From unfortunate personal experience, I was taken to Juvie for stealing Quake II back in the hayday. I was hauled off in the back of a patrol car all the while sobbing like a pussy. The cop found out about my status as I told him my story and was really sympathetic about it (I live in a predominantly Hispanic populated city, so don't just go do that near the Mississippi) I had to agree to pay quadrupled price of the game to Target and "prove" that I was of good moral fiber and/or standing. The guy was flabbergasted because my last report card showed only 100's and couldn't understand how someone w/my grades could be so stupid (it was like an epiphany I tell ya).... They expunged my record right then and there, and he essentially explained to me, that I could deny the aforementioned story in court w/o fear of committing perjury.

Law enforcement has no bussiness meddling into your status, but that has changed quite a bit. I say tell your lawyer, don't lie to the judge, but also don't disclose more info than the one he asks for.

PS: I was banned from the store for life, but it's more of an empty threat; Unless the security guy has photographic memory (no pics were taken) or no illusions of moving up the job ladder.
Last edited by Ali; 04-24-2009 at 07:50 PM..
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