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12-28-2012, 08:24 PM
Senior Member
From Texas
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Originally Posted by cacheton011 View Post
So we should supress our frustration and hope congress gives us a handout? We should speak through our actions and show America we are worthy.

No offense to any Americans, but I'm pretty sure many Americans would NOT be willing to go through what we went through to get an education.

I worked a full time job with OT and attended school full time at night and weekends. I would get maybe 3 hrs of sleep per day....and I did this for 6 years. I paid for my own tuition, bills, and living expenses. When my car broke down I had to ride the bus for almost 3 hrs (one way). I went through so much shit but I finally graduated. I honestly believe we dreamers have demonstrated enough through our examples.

We just want to be equal and have an equal opportunity at success.
That's why I think this ruben guy's full of bs. First he says be humble don't demand. Then he says well we're demanding cause we grew up here and have assimilated into the american culture. What the french toast do they want from us? First some say we have to assimilate then this nutter says not so much. ay ay ay
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