Thread: Trump tweet
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04-01-2018, 05:23 PM
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Joined in May 2009
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Originally Posted by versailles View Post
lmfao, all of you are fucking losing it.
there's a thing called being pragmatic, where you can recognize political bullshit for what it is.
you should try it sometime and maybe you won't make absolute clowns out of yourselves by accusing people of being republican sympathizers, just cause you can't comprehend what it means to be realistic about our scenario.
if you can show me ONE post where smooth has said he will vote republican and that he's a far-rightist i will gladly agree with you, but until then stop embarrassing yourselves.

You are the one who seem to be losing your mind. There is NOTHING pragmatic about Building up fake hopes and dreams around someone who is not Ever going to give you what you are Looking for. In fact They are constantly showing you how much they have ZERO intentions of doing anything for you but The Trump Apologists and whisperers come through at the drop of a hat to mansplain away What Trump says or does.

It is pretty sad and reminds me of a battered wife who her husbands beats every night but she gets up the next day and make multiple excuses for him and try to tell you how much he is going to change

At some point you are just simply delusional and giving false hopes to others.

Some of you on here are aggressively trying to whitewash the recent republican party's history with Immigrants & trying to romanticize Trump, And all you have ever been gifted in return for all that dedication is several lumps of feces.
Last edited by pink; 04-01-2018 at 05:32 PM..
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