View Full Version : hello everyone

03-27-2007, 01:15 AM
well im one of those people waiting for the dream act to pass...
but yeah. truthfully im not sure if i even want to stay here in the USA after i graduate from college in two years.
it would be great to be a citizen and all the stuff that comes with this, However im actually seriously considering moving.
interesting how the world turns.

03-27-2007, 05:57 PM
I am feeling the same thing. I am going to give this thing one more year and if nothing happens I am leaving. I can't spend my whole life waiting for something that might never happen. I remember when i was little and used to daydream of how by the time i was 18 i would be able to do everything. That i would never leave the US, it is very strange how the world turns. It was a very hard decision to comes to terms with, but a necessary one. My family and friends find it very hard to accept it. They think i am crazy. But i can see where their coming from i just wished they could see how it feels to be an outsider in the only place you have ever known.

03-28-2007, 01:21 PM
Ditto. We can't wait forever. I'm not going to waste away another 10 years after I graduate before Congress finally does some work instead of pointing their finger at the next election, screeching "Do you see whats coming?! We cant do anything now!"

My father doesnt get me either. He always has this attitude like I'm talking out of my ass when I say that I love this country. For some reason its hard for him to accept that he grew up in a different place and thats why he feels some sort of attachment to that place. He thinks that I'm confused about who I am. In reality, I'm not confused at all, I'm just f***ing tired of not having a place where I can just relax and know whats going to happen tomorrow.

Things like that remind me just how detached he is from what I am. Somethign happened just a couple of days back that reminded me once again of what I am. We had this reunion type of thing with my closest friends; all of them Russian (Slavic that is). And one of them said something that stuck in my mind. "We all love you even though you were always more of an American", made me laugh, and cry inside at the same time...

It looks like a lot of talent will be leaving this country if CIR does not pass. The United States is what it is because people with a vision came here initially and a wave after wave of people followed. Some provide the much needed labor, some provide the much needed vision. Turn those people away and there is nothing left...

03-28-2007, 10:55 PM
Nick ur reply seriously made my eyes tear