View Full Version : Sen Gutierrez to present plan to Obama

01-13-2009, 04:19 PM
Sorry its in spanish, But i basically says that as par of this plan Dream would be included...which could be not good:

Cambio al sistema de visas

Lo están afinando
Seguridad interna
Cambio al sistema de visas

Reforma Migratoria

El proyecto de reforma amplio recomienda cambios en los reglamentos que regulan los visados de profesionales extranjeros, estudiantes, talentos y crea nuevas visas para campesinos y estudiantes indocumentados, quienes una vez graduados podrán acceder a la residencia permanente.

También recomienda mantener el beneficio migratorio conocido como TPS (Temporary Protection Status). Y agrega:

* Mejorar y ampliar el programa de visas H1B, para profesionales extranjeros.
* Mejorar y ampliar el programa de visas L-1, para estudiantes.
* Proveer de un proceso rápido (Premium processing) para peticionarios de visas H1B.
* Eliminar las demoras en el proceso de certificación laboral.
* Ampliar las revalidaciones de visa.
* Revisar el programa de Visas S, para testigos de crímenes relacionados con contrabando humano.
* Revisar las limitaciones a la visa L.
* Hacer expedito el trámite de empleadores que requieran trabajadores con habilidades extraordinarias.
* Establecer un nuevo modelo para clasificar a las visas de no inmigrante.
* Mantener los beneficios a víctimas de desastres y emergencias (TPS).
* Aumentar los plazos de estadía a extranjeros que ingresan con visas de no inmigrante a Estados Unidos.
* Ampliar las visas humanitarias para esposas e hijos menores de edad.
* Revisar la política de elegibilidad para trabajar en Estados Unidos.
* Mejorar el sistema de ciudadanía.
* Resisar el programa Waiver.
* Mejorar el sistema de intercambio de estudiantes.

Camino a la legalización

El capítulo 6 del plan Gutiérrez incluye un programa de legalización para indocumentados que viven en Estados, llevan tiempo y carecen de antecedentes penales.

* Beneficia a todos aquellos que están en Estados Unidos a partir del 1 de julio de 2006 (La fecha puede ser modificada).
* Otorga una visa temporal de trabajo por seis años, al término de los cuales el beneficiario podrá optar por la visa permanente. Cinco años más tarde de recibida, podrá postular para la ciudadanía.
* Los beneficiarios podrán salir y entrar a Estados Unidos.
* Quienes califiquen deberán pagar una multa de $2,000 al momento de iniciar el trámite.
* Seis años más tarde, al iniciar el proceso para recibir la visa definitiva, el indocumentado deberá pagar otra multa de $1,000 al servicio de inmigración.
* Los beneficiarios del programa deberán demostrar su buen carácter moral y fiscal, aprender inglés, recibir clases de comportamiento cívico y salir temporalmente del país.
* El jefe de una familia de indocumentados que se beneficie del programa deberá salir de Estados Unidos para legalizar su entrada. (Este requisito es cuestionado por las organizaciones nacionales defensoras de los derechos de los inmigrantes, quienes aseguran que no existen garantías que, una vez fuera, el trabajador pueda volver a ingresar).
* Penalizar a quienes usen documentos o información falsa para legalizar su estadía.
* Proteger a los empleadores víctimas del uso de documentos falsos.
* El plan agrega los programas conocidos como Dream Act (para estudiantes indocumentados sobresalientes) y AgJobs (para campesinos)


01-13-2009, 04:33 PM
Changing the system of visas

We are refining
Internal security
Changing the system of visas

Immigration Reform

The comprehensive reform bill recommends changes to the rules governing visas for foreign professionals, students, talents and create new visas for undocumented students and farmers, who once graduates will have access to permanent residence.

It also recommends keeping the benefits of migration, known as TPS (Temporary Protection Status). He adds:

* Improving and expanding the H1B visa program for foreign professionals.
* Improving and expanding the program to L-1 visas for students.
* Provide a quick process (Premium Processing) for H1B visa applicants.
* Eliminate delays in the process of labor certification.
* Expanding restorations visa.
* Reviewing the S visa program for witnesses of crimes related to human smuggling.
* Reviewing the visa restrictions L.
* To expedite the processing of employers requiring workers with extraordinary abilities.
* Establish a new model to classify non-immigrant visas.
* Maintain the benefits to victims of disasters and emergencies (TPS).
* Increasing the lengths of stay for foreigners who enter with non-immigrant visas to the United States.
* Extending the humanitarian visas for spouses and minor children.
* Reviewing the policy of eligibility to work in the United States.
* Improving the system of citizenship.
* Resisar Waiver program.
* Improving the system of student exchange.

Path to legalization

Chapter 6 of Gutiérrez plan includes a legalization program for illegal immigrants living in the States, take time and have no criminal record.

* Benefits to all those in the United States from July 1, 2006 (The date can be changed).
* Gives a temporary work visa for six years, after which the beneficiary may opt for a permanent visa. Five years later received, may apply for citizenship.
* Beneficiaries may leave and return to the United States.
* Those who qualify must pay a fine of $ 2000 when you start the process.
* Six years later, when you start the visa process for short, the undocumented have to pay another fine of $ 1000 to the immigration service.
* The beneficiaries of the program should demonstrate their good moral character and tax, learn English, civic classes and leave the country temporarily.
* The head of a family of illegal immigrants in the program must leave the United States to legalize their entry. (This requirement is questioned by national organizations defending the rights of immigrants, who claim that there is no guarantee that, once outside, the worker can re-enter).
* Prosecute those who used false information or documents to legalize their stay.
* To protect victims of employers using false documents.
* The plan adds programs known as the Dream Act (for undocumented students outstanding) and AgJobs (for farmers)

01-13-2009, 04:57 PM
I think Gutierrez will mess things up for us. .. I hope he waits. Yes, I know I probably sound a bit selfish but let's face it a bill like this doesn't have much of a chance.. = /

01-13-2009, 05:01 PM
Seems like the main difference between DA and CIR if this is his plan is 3000 dollars, which is quite a lot? Also a touchback program...they should have a waiver for that.

01-13-2009, 05:19 PM
We need to get touch with Sen. Gutierrez asap! It's vital to have dream act separate from any CIR.

01-13-2009, 05:27 PM
CIR sounds great, but it's not practical. I agree that we should contact Gutierrez and let him know that Dream needs a voice of it's own.

01-13-2009, 05:29 PM
I think Gutierrez will mess things up for us. .. I hope he waits. Yes, I know I probably sound a bit selfish but let's face it a bill like this doesn't have much of a chance.. = /

I totally agree.

01-13-2009, 05:46 PM
Guys, it doesn't matter if dream is part of his plan or not. If we all do our part, dream can be attached to any relevant bill that comes up before CIR. I am also sure dream act will be re-introduced separately like it has always been in both houses soon.

01-14-2009, 12:41 AM
CIR sounds great, but it's not practical. I agree that we should contact Gutierrez and let him know that Dream needs a voice of it's own.

I agree with you. I've a feeling that Gutierrez will mess it up by asking CIR and nothing short of it. Dream act needs to be separated. CIR is dead for next two year or at least until unemployment goes down.:cry:

01-14-2009, 01:21 AM
anyway we can contact this guy and do a phone call spree on him? To get him on our side to pass Dream first? It isn't just selfish, frankly it's more realistic and a priority in immigration. Immigration hasn't made a single landmark yet. What have we passed that has helped us? NOTHING! So why not pass Dream first? Baby steps right? It doesn't make sense to jump a hurdle when we can't even jump over a phone book. I say we use this logic to tell this guy to push for Dream first as the baby step before CIR. Can we do a phone call spree before he submits plans? Or are we going to just phone spree obama separately?