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09-01-2017, 07:11 PM
Junior Member
Joined in Aug 2012
8 posts
Hello guys,

I haven't been to this site for years, but because of all that's happening, I just can't sit still. Our lives are on the line and like many of you, I've barely been able to sleep or eat.

We need to fight for our DREAMs, so I'm back. And I was brainstorming if there was a different, yet effective way to bring forth awareness for most of the population who have NO idea what DACA is, or who we are. So my idea is:

- To create a website, where people can go to "Meet a DREAMer".
- This website should be extremely simple, which would contain:

1. An explanation of what we're about to lose;
2*. An user-submitted, self-uploaded photo of a real DREAMer, with short details such as: Age they came to the US, School or type of degree he/she's currently attaining or already graduated.
3. Then below that, a button to click "Next"so we can meet the next DREAMer.
4. Finally, at the bottom, a link which takes to a more detailed page of who we are/what's at stake, and another link for resources to TAKE ACTION

Now, obviously, posting personal information about us sounds like a terrible idea, right? But I'm trying to think if there is a way to go around this, such as not including name or just use some sort of initials, not include a particular place of employer or school, and simply add information about the field/area.

What do you guys think? YAY or NAY?

Your thoughts are appreciated <3 ( and please don't go too hard on me lol)

Thank you.
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