Reform Immigration for America
What is the Campaign to Reform Immigration for America?
The Campaign to Reform Immigration for America is a united national effort that brings together individuals and grassroots organizations with the mission to build support for workable comprehensive immigration reform. The Campaign to Reform Immigration for America is, in part, a project of the Tides Advocacy Fund.
The campaign connects people from communities across the country who are ready to work together towards achieving the 279 votes needed to win just and humane comprehensive immigration reform legislation: 218 votes in the House of Representatives, 60 votes in the Senate, and one signature from the President.
We will be working especially hard with advocates and leaders from faith communities, small business owners, unions and labor advocates; and community-based civil rights, human rights, and immigrant-serving groups.
Our vision of reform includes immigrants and native-born U.S. citizens working shoulder to shoulder to achieve better wages, working conditions, and labor protections—making sure everyone is playing by the same set of rules so that it is harder for unscrupulous employers to cheat immigrants and therefore harder for everyone to be cheated. We need to build faith in our immigration system so that people respect the process and so that the process respects them. That’s our vision for a stronger America.