Improving Dreams, Equality, Access, and Success
UCLA students, faculty and administrators
came together during the summer of 2003 and officially
established IDEAS at UCLA in October 2003. As a support network
for undocumented and AB-540 undocumented students at UCLA
and across diverse communities outside of UCLA, IDEAS members
collectively form camaraderie of people connected by shared
experiences, struggles, and successes
volving from a support network to a
student organization and community outreach
project, IDEAS now guides high school and
community college students in their transition to institutions
of higher education. In the summer of 2004, IDEAS initiated
the AB540 project to bring awareness of the AB540 legislation
and to provide information on educational and financial
resources available to Los Angeles, Orangeand Riverside
Counties. This is accomplished through informational
workshops, student panels, counselor
conferences, and community events.