The Dream Act Starts with You


Dream Act hunger strike, Day 9

Hunger strikers sleeping in the morning.

If you live in or around the New York City area, the hunger strikers need you more than ever tomorrow, June 10th, at noon at 3rd and 47th in Manhattan. As of now, they are in their 9th day without food.

This Tuesday the hunger strikers held a press conference demanding that Sen. Schumer meet with them before the end of the week. Prior to that demand, Sen. Schumer has offered a meeting on June 18th knowing well that the hunger strikers will not live that long.

Tomorrow, Thursday June 10th, at noon the strikers will hold another press conference and a rally to call Sen. Schumer out on his unwillingness to spend even a few minutes of his time talking to the strikers. Be there, at 3rd and 47th in New York City to give the hunger strikers the energy to publically confront Sen. Schumer.

What to expect: All you have to do is show up and join the crowd. The media needs to see people out on the street or they will not report the story.

If you have school, skip it. If you have work, take off. Comprehensive immigration reform is as good as dead in 2010. This hunger strike is an important step toward the Dream Act as a standalone bill this year, a down payment on immigration reform in the future.

Hunger Strike for Dream Act

Tomorrow, June 1st, a group of immigrant youth from the NYS Youth Leadership Council will begin a hunger strike in front of Sen. Schumer's (D-NY) office. Sen. Schumer has the power to bring the Dream Act to a vote immediately.

Sen. Schumer is the chairman of the Immigration Subcommittee under the Judiciary. He is the person responsible for the imminent failure of comprehensive immigration reform in 2010. Stand firm and demand the Dream Act as a stand alone legislation in 2010 -- a downpayment on comprehensive immigration reform.

Show the Democratic leadership that they do not get your support for free!

Join us for a press conference and a rally as the Hunger Strike Begins:

Tuesday, June 1st
10am EST

Outside of Senator Schumer's NYC Office
757 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Between 48th and 47th on 3rd Ave

Be there. The strikers will not succeed without you!

Doing our part as walkers enter Washington D.C., Part I

What you do on May 1st will decide the fate of the DREAM Act legislation in 2010.

On January 1st, 2010 a group of courageous individuals started walking from Miami, FL to Washington, D.C. in support of the DREAM Act; a 1,500 miles, 4 month long journey on foot. On April 10th another group started walking from New York City. Both groups will arrive in Washington D.C. on May 1st to be welcomed by DREAM Act supporters converging from all across the country.

As a community, we have a responsibility to the walkers and to the DREAM Act movement to put together and publicize a list of participating organizations and their planned events for May 1st. Individually, you and I have a responsibility to attend these events.

We must react with urgency and resolve. There are days left to inquire from the organizations in your state about their plans to send buses to D.C. to join the rally. Post any relevant events and information to the national calendar. Start now, right now!

We will watch for events being added and will maintain a list of buses leaving for D.C.. Your research will be shared via dozens of thousands of emails to encourage everyone to join us in Washington on May 1st.

Right now, you have to step up to the challenge. The Saturday of May, 1st you have to be in Washington. This will be the single most important thing you did this year.

National calendar of DREAM Act events and more

We are proud to offer the first ever National calendar of DREAM Act events.

The calendar displays upcoming events from DREAM Act organizations across the nation. Any registered member can add an event to the calendar. Check it out.

The National calendar can benefit your organization. The DREAM Act Portal serves thousands of visitors every day and ranks top on Google for "dream act". Our resolve is to help you reach out to our community and to expose your events to our visitors and to the readers of our newsletter. If your organization has events, you do not need to do extra work, we can include them on the National calendar. Reply to this email and tell us about your organization.

Do this now:

As always, we welcome your comments or suggestions.

Real work towards the Dream Act in 2010

The Dream Act legislation is the only option for many undocumented youth who were brought to the United States as children. At the Dream Act Portal we've made significant changes that let you contribute two minutes at a time -- and earn advocacy points in the process -- toward achievable goals that will take us closer to the passage of the Dream Act.

Two hundred eighteen representatives and sixty senators is the majority vote needed in Congress to pass the Dream Act. Help us identify key legislators by volunteering your time at and by writing about the Portal and our community project on your blog or elsewhere.

Tweeting, friending, and YouTub[ing] about Dream is not enough. Be recognized by your peers as one of the active volunteers in our community. Others have already contributed by researching their legislators' stance on the Dream Act and posting their findings on the Portal. You can reward their efforts by casting a vote for their contributions.

Do this:

  • Spend the next two minutes on our Advocacy page.
  • Write about us and send us a link.

We hope you find the new updates interesting and useful. Volunteer to help us meet our advocacy goals and let us know how we can improve.