What kinds of questions might be asked during a call?

After several thousand calls I can honestly tell you 90% of staffers will never ask you anything. They'll just listen to you and tell you they'll pass on your message. On some occasions they will ask you your zip code so that they know if you're calling from the Senator's state or not. More on this below. Rarely you will be asked for your name and/or address, more on this below. I've never been asked any question besides these.

When asked about your zip code...

This forum advocates honesty. We will NEVER tell you to lie when calling. If you wish to give out a fake zip code from that Senator's state you are doing it on your own and without our approval. You're free to do whatever you want.

When asked about your name...

Again, just like above you should be honest. There are really no consequences to giving your name because it will not be reported to anyone.

When asked about your address...

A third time, you should be honest. However, this question is asked because Senators want to send you a response to your question (just a generic letter that they send to everyone) or keep you on a mailing list so come election time they can send you newsletters. If you do not wish to give your address tell them you don't wish to give your address (obviously). You can also say you don't wish to receive correspondence from the Senator. This is perfectly normal.