The Dream Act Starts with You
Dream Act passes House, what now?
Dec 15, the House passes the Dream Act, 216 - 198
A deserved victory! The Dream Act is on the home stretch, but we’re facing tough obstacles and need you with us for the last push.
Republicans still holding out
Between now and the upcoming Senate vote, we must get at least four Republican senators to commit on the Dream Act. Make the following calls:
“I urge [Senator …] to vote Yea on the Dream Act.”
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS)
Dial (202) 224-6521
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
Dial (202) 224-2523
or Email
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
Dial (202) 224-6665
or Email
Sen. Bennett of Utah and Sen. Lugar of Indiana have already expressed their willingness to vote Yea on the Dream Act:
“I thank [Senator …] for supporting the Dream Act and want to remind him to vote Yea on the bill.”
Sen. Robert Bennett (R-UT)
Dial (202) 224-5444
Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN)
Dial (202) 224-4814
or Email
Still up to Sen. Reid
As of today, with Bush-era tax cuts cleared in the Senate, it is entirely up to Sen. Reid to bring the Dream Act to a vote. The Senate session will be extended past this week, however the window for a vote is still closing fast. Let Sen. Reid know that you’re paying attention:
Dial (202) 224-3542 and Email
“I urge Senator Reid to schedule the Dream Act vote before the end of the lame duck session.”