Rep. John J. Hall (D-NY)

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After an hour and a half of internet research, I don't feel I have enough information on Rep. John J. Hall to come to a clear conclusion about his stance on immigration reform or the DREAM Act. The next step is to contact his office directly and try to get a clear answer. I think he is persuadable.

Here is what I found: There is nothing about immigration on his web page, but he thinks education is important and believes "we must make a serious reinvestment in our educational system to allow each of our children the opportunity to reach his or her full potential." He is also "working to make sure that the potential to pursue a college education is available to every child in the Hudson Valley regardless of his or her economic background."

According to this website: Hall is a rank-and-file Democrat, "Hall is a follower according to our statistical analysis of bills in this legislative session. Hall tends to cosponsors the bills of other Members of Congress who do not cosponsor Hall’s own bills."

He has co-sponsored H.R. 1215 To reform immigration detention procedures, and for other purposes.

And from this website I gathered the following information:

  • -Voted against allowing consideration of verification amendments to the health care reform bill in 2009
  • -Supported an amendment to deter illegal immigration in 2009
  • -Supported an amendment to require DHS contractors to use E-Verify in 2009.
  • -Cosponsored a bill to reauthorize the E-Verify Program in 2009
  • -Voted in favor of employment verification in 2008
  • -Voted in favor of preventing illegal aliens from receiving federal housing funds in 2008
  • -Voted in favor of restricting funding to business that hire illegal aliens in 2008
  • -Voted against punishing sanctuary cities in 2008
  • -Voted against an amendment to prohibit Social Security funds from being used administer benefits accrued from work performed in Mexico.
  • -Voted against an amendment to reduce the time period of a country's "temporary protected status."
  • -Voted against an amendment to reduce funding for the visa waiver program.
  • -Voted in favor of an amendment to increasing funding for the construction of a border fence
  • -Voted on House floor for amendment to fully fund the training of immigration enforcement officers
  • -Cosponsoring resolution calling on the President to enforce existing immigration laws in 2007
  • -Voted in favor of "sanctuary cities" for illegal aliens in 2007
  • -Voted in favor of allowing illegal aliens to vote in union elections

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