Targeting legislators

What is targeting and why should you do it?

Sen. Harry Reid pointing finger. Rep. Nancy Pelosi standing by.
Senate majority leader Harry Reid along side House majority leader Nancy Pelosi - doing what they do best.

Over six months have passed since the latest version of the bill was introduced in Congress. Over seven years have passed since the bill first appeared in Congress. Answer the following question. Who has what you want?

“Congress” is not a specific enough answer. You cannot walk up to Congress and say “Congress, you better listen! Give us what we want!” Congress will promptly take out its 534 hands and point fingers. They have.

You must target your tactics to specific legislators. You can only slap one pointing hand at a time. “[slap] No, senator. Its you!”

Only you have the resources to define the front-line. Together we can attack easier targets. You should contribute.

How you can help

Listed above are legislators from both chambers of Congress (the Senate, and the House of Representatives) separated into four categories that together summarize your progress in targeting legislators.

Whenever you make changes on the portal, appreciative members will reward you by up-voting your contribution on the Recent changes page.

You can monitor the page to help us fight abuse by members of anti-immigrant sites and to reward fellow contributors by up-voting their changes.

Based on research done by members like you, we can tell that legislators in the Yea category will vote yes on DREAM Act when it comes to a vote. Similarly, legislators in the Nay category will never vote for the DREAM Act. Legislators in the Others category are not as clear cut and may have reserves or special conditions.

Focus on the Need research category. For these legislators you have to do more work to reliably determine their stance on the DREAM Act legislation.

Pick a legislator from the Need research category and click on the name. You will be taken to a new page with details about the particular legislator, useful research links, and further instructions.